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Action about the eco-development in Togo


1001 pistes support several projects in partnership with several village associations

of  sustainable development.

Thanks to the solidarity of our customers a lot of projects to help the local villagers

have been carried out.

2006 : financing of a well for the village of Ziogba which was facing difficulties to supply its population with drinkable water.

The water was drawn from the river Zio that was very tiring for the women in charge of the transport ; moreover the quality of that water was the cause of diseases especially amongst young children.



Help to finance a maternity in the village of’Attchakoë-Carrefour



The maternity is composed of a six room building and was equipped thanks to numerous convoys dispatched by 1001 pistes.

2007 2010

Several convoys of medical equipment (syringes, compresses, microscopes) were transported each year till the Health Care centre of Attchakoë-Carrefour by the 1001 pistes team thanks to the solidarity of numerous customers living in France.

From its beginnings to 2018  "1001 pistes" has supported the development of the Togolese population thanks to a solid education.

So, each year several hundred kilos of  school material ( books, notebooks, chalks, rulers) but also games and educational books are dispatched and shared amongst more than a dozen of villages located mainly in remote areas impossible to reach with ordinary cars.

The most important supply was carried out in 2011and on this occasion more than 400 kilos of school material was dispatched on a single trip in a small village in the mountains located in a remote area 700 meters high.

Thanks to the generosity of a lot of customers who wish to help the population , 1001 pistes carry during each hike, bags full of clothes for children and adults that are given directly to the inhabitants.

Finally, 1001 pistes take part to the project of protection and tagging of marine turtles that live on the Togolese coastline in partnership with the GEPIB especially with the financing of ponds allowing to keep the turtles while they are studied and tagged by our customers.

If you wish to participate to the eco-development in Togo you can download a list of material useful in the villages

contact us or directly contact the association of villagers in charge of the development.

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